ARRL Michigan Section
Digital Radio Group
a.k.a. "DRG"
a Michigan Section organization

District Representatives of the DRG:

NOTE: The email addresses below are ONLY reachable if you are originating the email from
      within the network.  These addresses are NOT reachable from the Public Internet.

Permanent seats on the DRG:
Great Lakes Division Director        - Dale Williams    WA8EFK
                                                                 (734)529-3232 /home

Section Manager [SM]                 - Les Butler       W8MSP    W8MSP@ARRL.Net

Assistant Section Manager [ASM]      - Jay Nugent       WB8TKL
for Digital Technologies                               
                                                                 (734)484-5105 /home
                                                                 (734)649-0850 /cell 

Section Emergency Coordinator [SEC]  - Max Schneider    KE8DON

Section Traffic Manager [STM]        - Mark Shaw        K8ED

QMN Net                              - Ron Schubot      N8CML   

Appointed District Representatives:

District 1
 PRI-   Jeff Frank         N8HEE
                                    Day Phone: (517)543-8200
                                    Night Phone: (517)543-2643
                                    Cell Phone: (517)667-3015

 SEC-   --none--  

District 2
 PRI-   Jay Nugent         WB8TKL
                                    (734)484-5105 /home  (734)649-0850 /cell

 SEC-   Randy Love         WF5X
                                    Day Phone: (248)601-6406
                                    Night Phone: (586) 803-1967
                                    Cell Phone: (248)343-8567

District 3
 PRI-   Jim Smith          N8AVX

 SEC-   Bob Winchester     W8LSS

District 5
 PRI-   Shane Feek         KC8BRO
                                    (269)271-4564 /cell

 SEC-   Dennis Furrenes    KB8OAK

District 6
 PRI-   Dave Lamer         WA8RSA

 SEC-   Tom Bosscher       K8TB

District 7
 PRI-   Rick Mark          WZ8N

 SEC-   --none--

District 8
 PRI-   --none--

 SEC-   --none--

Duties of the Representatives:

Two District Representatives are appointed by the District EC (DEC) of each of the 7 districts in the state of Michigan. These representatives represent the Packet Radio interests of the counties within their district and therefore MUST have a good understanding of all Packet activity within their region. A solid understanding of AX.25 Packet, NetROM, and a strong understanding of TCP/IP protocols, routing, and methods of Internet-style communications is highly desired. Familiarity with tools such as OutPost, FLMSG, FLDIGI, WinLink, AREDN/Mesh, and how to pass ICS form data are desirable. The candidate should also be open to mixed protocol use in homogenous networks. DRG Reps should be ARRL Members in good standing

Should the DEC fail to appoint representatives to the DRG, or if the candidate proves to not meet the requirements in the view of the Chair, the DRG Chair reserves the right to fill these posititions with persons who he deems are qualified for the job. We give the DEC first dibs, but the Chair will fill these positions regardless.

Duties of the District Representative are:

General Membership in the DRG:

There is no "General Membership" with the exeception that anyone with a sincere interest in Packet Radio and RF Networking is welcome to join the DRG Mailing List.

DRG Organizational Meetings are attended by any of the Michigan Section Staff and two representatives from each State District (as appointed by that district's DEC). Meetings are NOT open to the public, however, non-members may be asked to attend by invitation for the purpose of presenting specific information or training to the DRG staff. Contact Jay Nugent WB8TKL, DRG Chair, if you would like to request permission to attend an organizational meeting. Meetings are NOT the place to ask "What is Packet Radio" or "What is a TNC". These meetings are for networking level personnel. But we encourage your participation on the mailing list.